Welcome to Reception. The teaching team for your child is:
Miss Dagg, Miss Houghton, Miss Wigg and Mrs Chapman. Mrs Chapman shares a class with Miss Wigg and works Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Miss Wigg works all week. Miss Dagg shares a class with Miss Houghton and works Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
In addition Miss Harvey, Miss Newrick, Miss Hylands, Mrs Dangerfield and Miss Utton all support learning within Reception.
PE is on Wednesday. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit. PE is delivered by Mr Wyer and Miss Houghton.
Your child will have a library session every week on Wednesday. They will spend time in the library, sharing books and reading together. Your child will be able to have a new library book every week to share at home.
Reception's curriculum is driven by high-quality texts in a structured story-time. All areas of learning are built around this.
This year we will be using Tapestry to share learning with home. We would love it if you could comment on your child's in-school learning and share achievements from home with us. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any problems with your tapestry log in.